About Me - Words of Roy

Words of Roy: I’m a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Since joining the church in my teenage years, I served a mission in Bangkok, Thailand. The Thai people hold a sacred place in my heart. Their food and culture remain a vibrant part of my life. I married my sweetheart in the temple and raised four incredibly unique kids. My wife and I look forward to one day traveling the country, searching for our ancestors and learning their stories. I have also served in nearly every calling in a ward or stake (minus the Bishop or Stake Presidency!), but I have to say that teaching Seminary is THE BEST calling in the church!

While reading my thoughts, you will notice that my life is filled with many uncommon experiences. I have worked on a farm and commercial fishing boat, raised animals, attended college, and started a few businesses. Economics fascinates me, but politics frustrates me. Hypocrisy is one of my pet peeves, and I loathe to be a hypocrite. I am a flawed human, and I am doing my best to become the man God wants me to be. The journey to do so is filled with hills, valleys, and frequent detours. George Washington and many of the Founding Fathers are my heroes. I am passionate about freedom!

Over the years, my testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ in the latter days, and Joseph Smith as a Prophet of God has never changed. However, my conversion to Jesus Christ and His gospel continues to progress. The purpose of “Words of Roy” is to lift the hearts and souls of others and shed a bit of light in a darkening world. Welcome; I’m glad you’re here!