A little over a year ago, we surprised our daughter with a new puppy for Christmas. Phoebe Socks is now a beloved member of our family. Still a puppy, Phoebe is learning how to act appropriately around others in the house. During playtime, she will crouch low to the ground and gather her feet beneath her. Then she will pounce exuberantly onto whatever target she has just chosen. A ball that makes obnoxious sounds when moved is her frequent choice. “Phoebe Socks is in the house”, she seems to bark.

Being a puppy, during her playtime, she will get a bit too excited. And with razor-sharp puppy teeth, she will unintentionally bite a bit too harshly. These nips will even inflict small cuts on fingers and hands. While it does sting a bit and requires a small amount of first aid, it is usually minor. We then, with patient instruction, help her learn to be gentler so it doesn’t happen again. In her play, there is no malice, nor intentional infliction of harm or pain. And, when she realizes she’s gone too far, she’s contrite and offers puppy kisses to apologize for the harm done.

Greet with Joy

As a rule, puppies love unconditionally, play hard, sleep soundly, and smile frequently. They defend their family, are cautious around strangers, and learn from their mistakes. A puppy forgives quickly and never holds a grudge. Puppies wait anxiously for your return home and greet you with joy!

We can learn a lot from puppies

The world teaches us to be vindictive, judgmental, and harsh critics of others’ actions. The world teaches us to be offended, pounce viciously on another’s mistakes, and demand their lives be destroyed. Cancel culture has become a recognized description of the world’s judgments.

Christ teaches “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…” (John 8:7). The Savior set the example for our behavior, to love one another, pray for those who despitefully use you, and forgive all for their trespasses.


Imagine a world where we treat each other with unconditional love, just like our dogs treat us. These four-legged friends are celestial examples of what Jesus Christ begged us to learn. Love unconditionally, forgive quickly, never hold a grudge, and smile frequently. And when your loved ones come home, greet them with joy!

With great fun comes a great nap. Phoebe Socks naps in the house.
Phoebe Socks takes a nap