With the advent of AI Technology, creating a video depicting a person doing just about anything is a very real possibility. Powerful software could create a video showing a person lifting a thousand pounds! Video production could even show someone having a conversation with a long-dead President. Would I doubt or would I question such a video? Of course! But a software-generated video showing me eating a six-pack of Cinnabon for breakfast? Though just as fake, that video would be more difficult to discredit! We are progressing to a time when we may not be able to believe what we see.

Did I see?

As I have studied the scriptures throughout my adult life, I’ve tried to place myself in each story I read. In my mind, I’ve fished with Peter and Andrew. I’ve seen the Babe in a manger and walked into Gethsemane. I have heard the sound of spikes being nailed to a cross. Using my mind’s eye to participate in events recorded thousands of years ago helps me focus and learn. This method of study also generates questions as I read. Lately, I’ve been asking myself, “How would I have reacted to seeing Jesus Christ perform a miracle?”. Would I doubt or would I question what my eyes see?

Would I question?

As I put myself into that thought, I imagine living in the meridian of time. There is no New Testament to study, for it hasn’t yet been written. I would meet and follow this Prophet from Nazareth. Imagine witnessing a miracle! I see a leper healed! I watch a paralytic take up his bed and walk! Would I doubt it? Would I question how it happened? Could I cry out in joy and run about shouting the message that the Messiah had come? Perhaps I would shrink away feeling unworthy to be in His presence.

To be honest, I do not know how I would react. And, I do not have answers to those questions. Perhaps I would react like the Samaritan woman at the well. I would run through the streets proclaiming the Son of God has come! Maybe I would shout and gather all to listen to Him? But maybe I would not have that kind of courage.

I have seen

As I ponder, I realize that it doesn’t matter whether I have seen Jesus Christ personally perform a miracle. I have witnessed many miracles throughout my life. Friends have been healed when they should have died. I have seen unbelievable suffering endured, hearts changed, and strength given to the weak. There was a motorcycle accident that should have killed me but didn’t. As our family strives to find our ancestors, we experience frequent miracles. I am a product of the miracle of forgiveness and of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He has changed me from what I was to who I am and, in His service, who I hope to become.

I know

I do not need to see Jesus perform miracles because I know who He is! Emphatically I proclaim that He is the Messiah, the Savior of this world. Through Him, all things were created. Instead of running through the streets proclaiming His divinity, I share this testimony with the entire world. He lives! Jesus is the Christ, the Son of a Living God. Because of Him, despair becomes hope, sadness turns to joy, and we can start over. We can be healed. We can be comforted. Because of Him, we can be forgiven.

One day, I will be in His presence and as did Thomas, I will fall at his feet and exclaim, “My Lord and my God”. On that day, I will never want to be apart from Him again. Because of Him, I do not doubt. I do not question. And, I know miracles happen.

Would I doubt or would I question?
We may question what we see, think or even hear.